The Green Collar Economy is a blueprint for how to solve two problems at once: help the environment by increasing conservation and green power generation while creating of hundreds of thousands of green jobs, mostly filled by people at the lower end of the economic scale. The proposal is idealistic, but it is a real solution and if we could do it, it really would solve both problems.
I was particularly impressed by Jones’s understanding and commitment to helping less advantaged groups. He correctly points out that the environment cannot be saved solely by those with higher incomes who care about saving polar bears. We have to reach everybody in order to make a real change. Corporations know this, and they exploit the poor for their own purposes by scaring them that environmental legistration will cost them their jobs.
This book and the proposals in it would make great reading for every member of Congress and the current administration. By some things I’ve heard, I wonder if Obama has already read it. I would recommend, even require that everyone in elected office and their staff read The Green Collar Economy. 5 out of 5 stars.
For some reason, it took me months to get through the book and just as long to write my review. I don’t think that’s a commentary on the book, but rather I’ve observed that when books get too heavy into economics, I slow down. If you enjoy reading about economics, by all means you should read this book. If not, check it out from the library and skim. It’s good stuff.
Awesome! I just recommended that my work ask Van Jones to speak for our lecture series next year. We've had Majora Carter last year--now if only we could get her to write a book ...
I do like skimming on the heavy economics topics. I feel like I am absorbing a good amount of the info, but I have trouble slogging through lengthy statistics.
I love keeping signed books too!
Electronic Goose: I hope you can get him! His ideas are very relevant, especially right now.
Going Crunchy: Yay for the skimmers! This book wasn't so much filled with stats, but it was slow going for me anyway.
I heard this and now here's the article to back it up - Van Jones is officially part of the executive branch of Obama's cabinet in charge of green jobs. Someone in the administration has been listening to him or reading the book! Thank you for the review.
I agree, Donna. Fantastic and hugely important book in this economy. Great review.
kale: That fits! I was just speculating because what I was hearing out of Washington sounded so much like the book. I guess there's a reason! Great news.
GB: Thanks!
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