It's rare to find a book that actually changes your life and inspires a new way of thinking. But isn't that why we read and share these eco-book reviews? This week's review is a gem, in fact I think it just might be THE gem - A book to challenge our thinking; a book to inspire us and give us hope; a book to live by. I'll be sharing it with you a little later this week. In the meantime, I'd love to hear more about what your reading now? Also, what's your favorite eco read of all time?
I can't wait to hear about your gem of a book! I'm reading MFK Fisher's How To Cook A Wolf. It's not green but is about cooking during the depression when fuel and often food were scarce. She gives a certain respect to the humblest of ingredients and meals that I enjoy.
Yay, Jam. Glad you liked it.
Hmmm, my favorite eco-read. For the biggest eye opener when I read it, I'd have to go with Omnivore's Dilemma. Otherwise, it's almost always the book I just finished reading - whichever one that is at the moment. How flighty of me. :)
Oh, my favorite topic!
I am so NOT into "post-apocolyptic" fiction, but my two favorites seem to fit into that category. Please don't let that dissuade you from trying them!
1. "Into the Forest" by Jean Hegland. Descriptions (on Amazon) sound grim but it is lovely and thought-provoking.
2. "Fifth Sacred Thing" by Starhawk. I avoided this for years, considering it too "woo-woo/kumbya" for my taste. I'm SO GLAD I finally got over my narrow-mindedness; I found it inspirational and entertaining.
"A Reasonable Life: Toward a Simpler, Secure, More Humane Existence" by Ferenc Mate. While he goes on the occasional rant, this book is filled with "a-ha!' moments.
"Your MOney or YOur Life," while not specifically green, helped me get my finances in order so that I could live the way I truly wanted/needed to.
Now, I'm going to go order 'How to Cook a Wolf" and "Green HOusekeeping." Thanks for the suggestions!
JAM - That's cool that you discovered the author lives in the same town and that she's going to do a book singing. We're trying to get some authors to do the same thing at our farmers' market. VERY cool!
Kale for Sale - It'll post on Friday. I was so incredibly inspired! Sounds like an interesting read you have there...
Green Bean - Definitely. That's one of my favs too!
Alline - Ooh! I've not read any of those. Thanks for sharing. I'll add them to my list.
JAM - let us know how you like them :)
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