From Simple Prosperity's Dave Wann along with Dan Chiras, Superbia: 31 Ways to Create Sustainable Neighborhoods is exactly what it advertises itself to do. If you are looking for ways to create community and make a local eco-difference, this is a great and easy resource for you.

Blue Frontier: Dispatches from America's Ocean Wilderness, by David Helvarg, details the true conditions of our ocean, how they got that way and what we can do about them.
Enter to win these two books by leaving a comment. If you only want a particular book, please simply note that in the comments.
Superbia would be fantastic!
Both of those books sound fantastic!
We have met Dave Wann and would LOVE to have Superbia! We are actually on a bike tour around the US documenting our visit to sustainable communities (www.withinreachmovie.com). This book would make a great addition to our library, and will help with research for the project.
Oooh, that's what I get for being away for a week... I missed a great giveaway. Congratulations to the winners!
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