"If You Take a Mouse to the Movies" is the Christmas book in Laura Numeroff's delightful series that began with "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." Those familiar with the books will recognize the enthusiastic, tireless mouse who demands so much of his little host. He reminds me a little of my son...
The "If You Give a..." books are worth reading for Felicia Bond's illustrations alone. This one is pure fluff, but the little ones in your house will love it. Warning: After reading the book, your kids will probably beg to make popcorn chains. Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Readers: Parents of small children. If you have small children in your house and you have never read them one of Numeroff's books, get thee to a library!
Hey, this is one of the few of that series that I've never read. We know most of the rest by heart.
We just found it, too. Also, there's a new one out called "If You Give a Cat a Cookie." I think it's one of the better ones. :)
I just wanted to post a comment to let you all know that I have posted a review of The Limits of Growth on my blog, the link to the post can be found here: http://vegncookingandotherrandommusings.blogspot.com/2008/12/limits-of-growth-30-year-update-review.html
(Sorry it has been so long since I've posted a review!)
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