Is anyone out there reading a green book? I've been reading the same one for the last month, Coming Home to Eat by
Gary Paul Nabhan. It's not the books fault it's taking so long; it's all me. There's too many good blogs to read,
petitions to sign,
walks to take, meals to cook, friends to see, shadows to watch.
Most days I read a few pages on the bus coming home but that's it. I like Coming Home to Eat and will review it here next year.
Any books you'd like to give a shout too, or a new review we can add to our reference list of reviews? Let me know and I'll add a link.
In any event, be well.
I read Silence of the Songbirds by Bridget Stutchbury during my Thanksgiving travels (and delays). I realy enjoyed the book and have been meaning to write a review, but haven't got there yet. In the meantime, go check out Hugh's review at Rock Paper Lizard -- that's what first got me interested in the book.
I'm aiming to start The Big Box Swindle this month sometime. I still need to write my review of Green Collar Economy - which I really enjoyed btw.
LOL I re-read one of my favorate childrens books- "Mr Willowby's Christmas Tree" and reviewed on my blog. While not officially an enviormental book, it does get into Sharing, Making Do, Sustainability and community. One of my favorate books as a kid!
berrybird - I certainly liked the last book you reviewed so I will check this one out. Thanks. But let us know when you review it too. Okay?
green bean - I haven't heard of the Big Box Swindle but weirdly enough I'm interested. And looking forward to the GCE review too. Maybe for Christmas?
robj98168 - This must come under the umbrella of everything we need to know we learned in kindergarden. Me, I learned how to chase boys. Guess I need to read the book. Thanks for the recommendation.
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