Welcome February! Pink cupcakes and all.
I wish I could report that I spent my January reading and have multiple reviews to post this week. In truth, I'm still working my way through Big Box Swindle which is as much of an eye opener regarding the marketplace as The Omnivore's Dilemma was to the food industry. I'm only about half way through though and, barring any miracles, probably won't post a review of it this week.
Enough about me though! What about you? Who's reading what? Any reviews to share? Any great new books out there?
Jam: Yes, by all means, please do post a review on the Dumpster Diving book. Sounds very interetsing! My son's home with the flu so I just might have some time to read Big Box Swindle while he naps. Nice to hear of the changes you've made. I too am making lots of changes since staring this book.
I've finally picked up "Green Collar" since I set it down a month ago. I'm almost done and planning a review later this month.
I'll be interested to hear about the Big Box book. I've heard enough documentary on Wal-mart to prohibit me shopping there again. I'm guessing they're not the only bad guy...
Still working on Zen Heart and the End of Food. I didn't finish Zen enough to review....I was too busy finishing Thrift.
I bought a copy of Little Heathens at the library last night for $2 based on the reviews here. Now I've got to read it!
Donna: Yeah, it's a whole lot more than WalMart. This book will rock your world.
Shannon: There is only so much time, isn't there.
Katrina: What a find!!
I've just started reading Lauren Springer Ogden and Scott Ogden's, Plant-Driven Design; Creating Gardens That Honor Plants, Places, and Spirit.
It looks like it's going to be a great book! In the preface she(they?) speaking of designers says, "Many simply avoid intimacy with plants or any depth of plantsmanship and rely instead on a limited, proven palette and series of plant combinations that they trot out like familiar dinner recipes, again and again."
I'm sure this book will have a lot of interesting new ideas for the garden and be an entertaining read with lots of gorgeous photos.
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