Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcoming a New Worm to the Worm Bin

I'm delighted to announce that one of my favorite bookworms has agreed to wiggle around with us wormers. After devouring her reviews over at Simple-Green-Frugal, we've managed to entice Heather into the worm bin. She'll take over the first week of the month, starting in May. Make sure to stick around for her Monday roundups and green book reviews. Welcome Heather! We're so happy you're here!


hmd said...

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to being a part of the team!

Theresa said...

This is such a friendly and useful blog for all of us book-lovers :) Congrats to you Heather and thanks to all of the other writers and organizers here who keep things happening!

Sam said...

yay Heather! Hope to chew through your reviews.

Going Crunchy said...

Weeelllllccccooommmmeeee! Virtual clapping. So glad to have you here Heather.

hmd said...

Thanks, everyone! I'm psyched about joining the crew!