How about you? Any new reads carried home from the library, borrowed from a friend or picked up at the bookstore? Or any new reviews you've posted that we should all know about?
Let us know.
In any event, I hope you're taking time to literally stop and smell this perfume scented season. It's one of the most fragrant I can remember.
No green reads for me at the moment, but the lilacs are blooming in our front yard and you can smell them almost out into the street. Lovely. :)
Donna - Lucky you! Lilacs are one of my favorites. Enjoy.
Just read and finished a review on Cradle to Cradle.
It was more of a "big picture" book and I like things more on what the individual can do, but even so, it was a great reminder...
Heather - I just read your review and the book sounds so similar to the radio program I heard this morning with Daniel Goleman who wrote, Ecological Intelligence: How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything. Knowing that someone else also wrote about this in the book you read makes me want to read this book. Thanks for the review.
I'm reading another book on Zen philosphy. I think I'm trying to Green my innards at the moment.
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