March brings spring and the awakening of our yards and gardens, the vacant lots, the untended fringe along the suburbs and the forests along with it. March is a time when I usually leave books behind - just for a bit - to rush outside, tuck dainty seeds into the ground, turn under cover crop, count fluttering white butterflies over the peas, and ogle the quiet worms temporarily unearthed by a carefully applied trowel.
I suspect this March will be much of the same. The books on my bedside table boast titles like Carrots Love Tomatoes, Gaia's Garden and Golden Gate Gardening. But that doesn't mean I don't have reviews of some over-wintered books to share. Stay tuned this week for, hopefully, reviews of Big Box Swindle and Green Housekeeping.
Are you too sucked outside in spring? Or have you found a great green read that can compete with the sunshine and soft breezes? Did winter leave you well-read and ready to share some reviews? Please leave a comment and let me know.
Spring? It's summer here with 80+ degree temps. I guess the article Crunchy Chicken read was true?I am going to soon live in an uninhabitable area...
I'm reading Food Politics by Marion Nestle and while most of the info is not new, its certainly eye opening to read the details.
I want to read the Big Box review! Please don't delay. I'm reading Finding Beauty in a Broken World by Terry Tempest Williams. I almost didn't get past the first 50 pages and the book sat for two weeks next to my bed. But when I picked it up for a second time I was ready and curled up with it most of the weekend. I should be ready with a review next week. I'm deeply touched by her stories. Has anyone else read it?
I've been dipping in and out of my latest gardening book acquisition, Bountiful Container -- I really recommend this if you container garden. And I've almost finished Neal Stephenson's latest huge tome, Anathem, SF which has very little to do directly to do with the environment, except that the mathematical monks each tend a tangle for their food. I like the image because the tangle is like Kingsolver's miracle plant -- a vertical structure called "cob" with vining beans, spreadfng squashes, two kinds of tubers, tomatos filling in high and peppers mid, and some other stuff including a few other plants for the soil. (And if you like philosophy of language/knowledge/math mixed with your post-apocolyptic fiction I recommend this book).
We're starting to see signs of spring here, too, although it's a little early. Love the photo!
I haven't been doing much reading because I've spent so much time on my book this month, but I'm going to do some more soon. Looking forward to your Bix Box review.
Also, JAM, the twinkie book sounds intruiging! Please do review it!
JAM: Well, no snow here but we are finally getting our rain. Looking forward to Twinkie Deconstructed!
Beany: Yeah, our area will be inhabitable only slightly longer than yours. Please share your review of Food Politics when you are done. Saw Marion Nestle speak @ Slow Food Nation. Very interesting.
Kale: Of course I'm delaying. It's one of those books that really deserves a well thought out review. I'll try to get it together this week. Never read Williams or I think even heard of her. Would love your thoughts on the book.
SusanB: Anathem sounds fascinating. As to the other, gotta love those gardening books. :)
Donna: Yes, isn't it the cutest photo. :)
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