I'll start. I'm reading Stuffed and Starved by Raj Patel. Chapter one was hit and miss but Rural Aspirations did an interesting review on it so I hung on for chapter two. And it kept me from napping on the bus today. I'm optimistic.
What are you reading this week? It's fun to find someone reading the same book or one not previously considered.
Even more importantly though, what do you think about what you're reading or have you posted a new review? Let us know and we'll link over to it.
And don't get tossed away if a book has already been reviewed. Different perspectives are good for the diversity of the mind.
Actually, I'm currently reading a mystery - can't get enough of them. But last week I did a review of Mindless Eating. Here 'tis...
I'm finally reading Deep Economy. I went back and forth and round and round on it. I checked it out two separate times from the 'brary and each time renewed it the allowed 2 times. Now that it's finally overdue (no judgment please), I am FINALLY reading it. And you know what, so far it seems pretty worth it.
Right now I'm reading Stolen Harvest, which is a bit dry, so I take breaks and read Bottlemania instead. (Oh, and the new David sedaris is pretty good, by the way!)
Today I posted a review of Go Green, Live Rich by David Bach; earlier in the month I reviewed Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. As always, by "review" I mean, "meandering thoughts and digressions that touch tangentially on this book I just read."
Now to catch up on all the blog posts in my Google reader...
I'm reading Deep Economy AND Stuffed and Starved. I'm really enjoying Stuffed and Starved, enjoying Deep Economy a little less, but learning from both. And that's the most important thing anyway.
I won't judge GB for the overdue library books, because I am totally sneaking reads of Stuffed and Starved on my lunch break at Borders.
heather - Happy mystery to you and thanks for the review (she says mindlessly eating walnuts).
green bean - Having overdue books is a good way to make a donation to your local library. But hurry because I want to know what you think of the book when you're done.
robin - Stolen Harvest is on my list but I can't read Sedaris. I'm too hooked on his voice but you've given me an idea to see if he reads on books on tape. Ummm. Thanks for the reviews. Meandering digressions are a prefect way to do reviews.
Arduous - This is good news because I liked Deep Economy better than I like Stuffed and Starved so far which means it must get better. Actually it is getting better. And maybe Deep Economy will get better too. You'll love the part about the warehouses in China. It's crazy.
I won't tell anyone you've been sneaking reads though because then you'd be out in the open and sneaking sounds more fun.
I'm reading a surprise green read right now (it's my book club book, didn't realize what it was about till I started)...Bad Land by Jonathan Raban, about the settling of the Great American Desert way back when. I am only about 60 pages in but I'll definitely post a review.
oh, and yes, there are Sedaris books on tape; I got my sister a used one on ebay a couple years back.
Since I finished Collapse, I've been shying away from non-fiction. This month I've been reading for Sharon's post-apocylyptic book club, which does resonate with green action but probably isn't really green reading. I also started reading "Microtrends" which is a collection of 2 page essays on . . . microtrends, like marketers use. I'm debating whether I want to finish it -- the book jacket tells me it will give me a snapshot of America-today (beyond my own little microgroup) BUT it doesn't include green readers, suburban homesteaders, plastic refusers, etc. in any of the microtrends.
I just posted a review of Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv.
I'm saving all my nuggets for next week!
melissa: Bad Land sounds really interesting -- I'll look forward to your review!
susanb: Hmmm... I've never heard the term before, but I'd sure think we're a microtrend! Let us know if you decide the book is worth reading!
leslie: Thanks for the review. It's interesting to see the different perspectives on these books! I added your review to the sidebar.
going crunchy: We'll look forward to it!
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