Monday, June 30, 2008

Book Giveaway: Simple Propserity

Wendy over at Home Is . . . is giving away a copy of Simple Prosperity: Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable Lifestyle by David Wann. I very much enjoyed the book - finding it both uplifting and affirming. I recommend it for newly green to medium green but, hurry. You have to have your name in by July 3rd to be entered in the drawing.


EcoBurban said...

Oh, I think I might like this one. I will head over and enter my name. I think I would like to own more books, not check them out from the library. The fines on AVM are killing me because I won't take it back!! :o)

Green Bean said...

Ahh, another guilty party. I need to take Break Through back. It's way overdue - thus the impetus to write the review. And dang if I didn't forget to take it when I was out and about today. I actually do like owning the books - it is nice to refer back to them. And I do own SP.

BerryBird said...

I got my review of Lost Mountain posted. It is on the scarier side of green books, but I was scared into action, so it worked out OK.

Thanks for putting this site together--it is a great resource.

Green Bean said...

Thanks Berry Bird. What an amazing review. Everyone should read Lost Mountain - I had no idea!!! I've linked to it in our book review category.

BTW, you look JUST like my sister from the back. First time I saw your blog, I thought it must have been her blog. ;-)

Thanks for the review.